Wednesday, November 12, 2008


How does the day greet you?
I'm sure it's not well.
He treats you like an ornament hung up on his wall
I know I was wrong
To leave you that day
So why can't you see 
That I want you back someday

You confuse me
You talk to me one day but forsake me another
I understand you're busy
But this is absurd
Talk to me
Please, try to make atleast some time for me
I want you to know I'm here
I want you back, don't you know?

Just leave him, I want to say
But that would be rude
And it would only push you away
But if I can not have you
Then please, just purge me of all emotion

Leave me devoid...
A gaping black hole...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i like!!~ devoid gaping black hole........sounds so dark.....i can see it playing in my head in film noir accents.