Monday, June 29, 2009

A rainbow is the loneliest thing

A rainbow is the loneliest thing
that you will ever see
It doesn't come in groups or clusters
Only sporadically in ones but not twos

How sad it is to be alone like this
Where no one will speak to it
All may gaze but for the majority it is a stare of hate
Foul thoughts and devious things they think about the poor rainbow

But why does the rainbow receive such slanderous sayings, abuse, and even shame?
For the rainbow was created unique, so beautiful and regal
Why does it deserve the hate of many and acceptance of only a few?

How gorgeous a thing the rainbow is
Its colors the most sacred in the land
Red as the blood red rose
Orange as the fruit we eat
Yellow like the blazing sun
reen as rich as the grass we wlak upon
Blue like the sky during a warm spring day
And violet, so rare a site, more so than the others

So why all this wretched hate
for something so grand and unique?
We are all created equal and yet each person so unique

what if the tables were turned?
And the rainbow was many while you were just one
How would you feel if you were the one to be spurned, hated, feared, dreaded, forsaken, forgotten, mistreated, excommunicated, destroyed, killed, exiled, made into an outcast, fearful, tortured, deprived, suicidal, torn, lost, but most importantly silenced

Each day we, yes we
We are the rainbow
The gays, bisexuals, lesbians, and transgendered
Are silenced out of existence
Never letting the world see our beautiful interiors

Do you realize now
What all your hate has done
You have left us with little or no hope of finding acceptance at all
But there are those of us who stand up high and tall
Who go against your cruelties and injustice day by day

You see not all of us will cede our lives to your
petty hate and ignorance
Ther are those of us who will not go down, crashing into the sea
But instead rise up in a magnificent shining glory
of triumph and perseverance

So please, I ask of you
Look deep inside your heart
find the kindness and love
that is innate to us all
and be ride of this sin coated hatred you cling to so dearly
Embrace us and we can show you how glorious we are
Deface us and realize how powerful the voice of many can be

Tolerate or love us we hope you will
But until then ponder about how your hate can hurt
Hate is a powerful thing
But our love for who we are will always bring us out on top
Out into a bright and shining world

Dreams, wishes, hopes, and goals

I dream of thee o' sir knight
To whisk me away on your valiant steed
I dream of love as vast as the sea

I wish to have fortune and riches a plenty
Wish to be able to express my true self
I wish to cure all of melancholy and evil

I hope to be able to stand hand in hand
With people of different orientations, races, and cultures alike
I hope to be able to live as long as can be

My goal is to be famous
Known to many far and wide
My goal is to be wed to the man I cherish and love
My goal is to bring joy to many

These are my dreams, wishes, hopes, and goals
Throughout time may many more unfold


Your lips are as red as the purest rose
Eyes green as the evergreen forest
Hair as golden as a sunflower glowing in the sun

The night sky black as sin
The oceans so royally blue
Sand so white it would shame the purest soul

The velvet that she wears, its color so elegant and purple
That shirt he wears, oh so drearily grey
A dress I see, so devilishly pink

These colors and more flash by
So vivid and grandiose
They nurture my eyes
and give them reason to be

Haiku of ages

Swiftly running through
the garden of lost ages
never turning back


You stand there pale and cold as frost
I'm on my knees, warm and flush
Pouring my heart and soul out to you
Confessing the many years of my love for you
Yet you stand there frozen in an unsympathetic daze
Not caring for one word that I give willingly to you
"What are you?" I ask when you don't respond
How could you forsake my feelings and just stand there in devilish silence?
Not a word comes from your mouth as I shout in your face
You stand still and steadfast as though I have become some invisible entity
Stuck in that pose of antipathy
You wear those clothes as if...
as if...
You were not a man
But some doll
A mannequin of sorts
I stop in reazisation and you walk away
No sound coming from your feet as they hit the ground
The color faded from your figure
Looking as if you were not breathing at all
I see now that I was a fool
to ever fall in love with you
You were never the man of my dreams
Just the mannequin of my nightmares
Someone who doesn't care for the world or anyone in it
A lifeless vessel set on this earth to tear me asunder