Saturday, August 22, 2009

Change of Heart

To change one's self at will
Can be the greatest of allies
But yet, it is my burden my...curse

So many to chose from
I can be what they want
With only a whim

But are any of them what I want?
Can they be what my heart desires...I wonder
Is there one for me, a foolish changeling of sorts?

I seduce, woo, and gain many a man's trust
Only to be overwhelmed by their quantity
And to be bored of them when one better than they comes along

I carelessly throw my affection this way and that
Caring for this one, making that one swoon, and bringing them all into my filthy clutches
What am I? Nothing but a monster with a thirst for hearts. A lustful desire for love.

Where does my lust start? And where does it end?
Only he can show me that...
The one I was meant to spend the rest of eternity with. My prince, my savior, my hero

So I sit, and wait in my dank and dark cave of misery. Waiting for my love to slay this evil beast that resides within
So that I will no longer hunger for love I can not have...
So that I may drink from his heart, brimming with love.
That sweet nectar, a delicacy even greater than that which has been touched by the lips of gods!
And he will be by my side, forever, and for always. Never once faltering, never once turning away from me, the one that he will love for eternity. Everlasting happiness.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Covered in grease and grime

Strolling down this golden path
paved with the hopes and dreams of all
Goes on for miles, for you see
Hope and dreams are everlasting
And new ones are born each day
Here and there you see some wear and tear
But you don't pay attention to those
For why would something moldy and filled with disgust
ever attract your precious eyes?
But sometimes with a little effort
that mold and grime can be wiped away
And a shining golden brick can be seen
So don't forget the bricks, covered in grease and grime
For they just need some tender care
So that they may have the chance to shine

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I beg of you

into a thousand little pieces
right before your eyes
i've done you wrong
and you don't even know
the sorrow flowing throw my body
the pain I feel in my heart
please forgive my idiocy
forget what I have done
and embrace me with your loving arms once more
I cannot bare to see you this way

Monday, June 29, 2009

A rainbow is the loneliest thing

A rainbow is the loneliest thing
that you will ever see
It doesn't come in groups or clusters
Only sporadically in ones but not twos

How sad it is to be alone like this
Where no one will speak to it
All may gaze but for the majority it is a stare of hate
Foul thoughts and devious things they think about the poor rainbow

But why does the rainbow receive such slanderous sayings, abuse, and even shame?
For the rainbow was created unique, so beautiful and regal
Why does it deserve the hate of many and acceptance of only a few?

How gorgeous a thing the rainbow is
Its colors the most sacred in the land
Red as the blood red rose
Orange as the fruit we eat
Yellow like the blazing sun
reen as rich as the grass we wlak upon
Blue like the sky during a warm spring day
And violet, so rare a site, more so than the others

So why all this wretched hate
for something so grand and unique?
We are all created equal and yet each person so unique

what if the tables were turned?
And the rainbow was many while you were just one
How would you feel if you were the one to be spurned, hated, feared, dreaded, forsaken, forgotten, mistreated, excommunicated, destroyed, killed, exiled, made into an outcast, fearful, tortured, deprived, suicidal, torn, lost, but most importantly silenced

Each day we, yes we
We are the rainbow
The gays, bisexuals, lesbians, and transgendered
Are silenced out of existence
Never letting the world see our beautiful interiors

Do you realize now
What all your hate has done
You have left us with little or no hope of finding acceptance at all
But there are those of us who stand up high and tall
Who go against your cruelties and injustice day by day

You see not all of us will cede our lives to your
petty hate and ignorance
Ther are those of us who will not go down, crashing into the sea
But instead rise up in a magnificent shining glory
of triumph and perseverance

So please, I ask of you
Look deep inside your heart
find the kindness and love
that is innate to us all
and be ride of this sin coated hatred you cling to so dearly
Embrace us and we can show you how glorious we are
Deface us and realize how powerful the voice of many can be

Tolerate or love us we hope you will
But until then ponder about how your hate can hurt
Hate is a powerful thing
But our love for who we are will always bring us out on top
Out into a bright and shining world

Dreams, wishes, hopes, and goals

I dream of thee o' sir knight
To whisk me away on your valiant steed
I dream of love as vast as the sea

I wish to have fortune and riches a plenty
Wish to be able to express my true self
I wish to cure all of melancholy and evil

I hope to be able to stand hand in hand
With people of different orientations, races, and cultures alike
I hope to be able to live as long as can be

My goal is to be famous
Known to many far and wide
My goal is to be wed to the man I cherish and love
My goal is to bring joy to many

These are my dreams, wishes, hopes, and goals
Throughout time may many more unfold


Your lips are as red as the purest rose
Eyes green as the evergreen forest
Hair as golden as a sunflower glowing in the sun

The night sky black as sin
The oceans so royally blue
Sand so white it would shame the purest soul

The velvet that she wears, its color so elegant and purple
That shirt he wears, oh so drearily grey
A dress I see, so devilishly pink

These colors and more flash by
So vivid and grandiose
They nurture my eyes
and give them reason to be

Haiku of ages

Swiftly running through
the garden of lost ages
never turning back


You stand there pale and cold as frost
I'm on my knees, warm and flush
Pouring my heart and soul out to you
Confessing the many years of my love for you
Yet you stand there frozen in an unsympathetic daze
Not caring for one word that I give willingly to you
"What are you?" I ask when you don't respond
How could you forsake my feelings and just stand there in devilish silence?
Not a word comes from your mouth as I shout in your face
You stand still and steadfast as though I have become some invisible entity
Stuck in that pose of antipathy
You wear those clothes as if...
as if...
You were not a man
But some doll
A mannequin of sorts
I stop in reazisation and you walk away
No sound coming from your feet as they hit the ground
The color faded from your figure
Looking as if you were not breathing at all
I see now that I was a fool
to ever fall in love with you
You were never the man of my dreams
Just the mannequin of my nightmares
Someone who doesn't care for the world or anyone in it
A lifeless vessel set on this earth to tear me asunder

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Death of Beauty

This is the death of romance

Of sweet uncensored love

passionate kisses and warm embraces

of gentle touching and nights of holding each other tight

sweet words and silent gazing into each other’s eyes


This is the death of imagination

Of scaly purple dragons

beautiful scenes and glistening things

in the depths of one’s mind

of abstracts, constructs, life-forms, and views none of the likes you have ever seen

gazing into a creation made by one or many


This is the death of writing

of sonnets written by diligent hands

epic stories of the ever triumphant hero

going against all odds

of limericks so rude and comical

Books written by creative minds

words flowing from hand to page


This is the death of music

of melodious notes rising from glorious instruments

glorious voices singing versus so fiercely

of the lyrics so stable and black on the page of white

a blazing glory of evocative rhythms and sounds


This is the death of nature

of beautiful willows swaying so gently in the breeze

the red rose so elegant in all its regal glory

of fields of daisies and orchards of apples

cherry blossoms so evocative with their unique pink shade


This is the death of life

of newborns so innocent and picturesque

the children parents so hold dear to them

of men and women, who share such love for each other

the animals, such glorious creatures they are


But most importantly, this is the death of beauty

of the romance we so tenderly give

imagination so astonishing and vast

of the writing we all love and cherish

music so harmonious and emotional

of nature with its many surprises and mysteries

Life, the one thing that we all hold dear

This is the death of all these things

The end of all that we have worked so hard to achieve

The death of all things beautiful


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Crimson Arrow of Love

Who shot that crimson arrow?
That pierced deep into my breast
Touched my heart and took my head for a spin

Au revoir to all direction
for cloud nine has me tight
within it's wondrous grasp

I don't know where I am
What I see, hear, or even what I know
Because all I think is...


Your delicate touch
Everlasting kiss, and dazzling personality
Your face glows like stars in the heavens
Hair flowing so gracefully in the soft wind
Your soft silky skin, makes me melt as I touch
The taste of your luscious lips as red as a blooming rose
As I hold you close I smell the exotic fragrance that is yours

You enrapture all my sense love
You have me caught in your dazzling stare
I've turned not to stone but a melted pool of love for you
Your siren like song pulls me in to
Not a talon filled grasp but a tender and warm embrace

You are so much to me
As I hope I am to you
The world, nor sun, nor the Milky Way galaxy
Can encompass my feelings for you

How long was I lost
before I found your dazzling light?
How long was I waiting
before you appeared before me?
How much pain have I suffered
before you found your way into my heart?

Do you ever think when laying all alone
What the future could hold for us?
How far we can reach in to the sky?
Is it possible to touch the moon?
Or one of the many glimmering stars
that bedazzle the midnight sky?

By binding us into this relationship
I give you all my trust
My never ending care
My warm embrace
My ever flowing love
I give you everything

As this poem keeps on going
As the seconds fly by
As the hours pass
As the year creeps by
My fondness grows for you
More and more every day
Not a moment passes that
My feelings for you do not grow stronger

I could let this poem
go on forever till infinity
Just like my feelings do
Just like the endless grains of time
To show you how much...

How much I think of you
How much I care for you
How far my gentle hands will reach
Mow much I long to say those three sacred words to you

So who shot that crimson arrow
The pierced straight through my breast
Touched my heart and took my head for a spin
It now weighs heavy on my heart
This feeling that I must express
How can I just say it in a few words?
Silly me, I know just what to say
Three words. Three sweet simple, yet powerful words
That carry across mounts
Part waters and influence many
The three words that can bring joy into your life
Three words...

Friday, April 3, 2009


Waves of love
That reach across time
And even the infinite plane of space
Are the most precious kind
That two persons can have for each other

For they have the power
To change the world
To connect to one another
To leap across mountains
To endure the most tempting sin

For this is love in it's truest form
Love that knows no boundaries
Love that knows no gender
Love that knows no distance

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Formal Apology Poem

I'm sorry for the things
That I have said and done
I say things without thinking
how they could harm you so

I have no excuse for what
I said to you
No arguments or little sayings
There is nothing else but this to say

I'm sorry for how rude I was
I hope you can forgive
My insensitivity which shot
straight through your feelings
My rude and ignorant mouth
For ever uttering such words
My incompetent brain
for not thinking before I speak

You are such a wonderful friend
And I cherish you in my heart
As I do all of my dearest friends
and would never want to hurt you
But fact is I have and now I have learned
So I am sorry my dear friend
Not once, not twice, and not three times
But I am as sorry as the grains of sand are innumerable.
As sorry as far as the eye can see
As sorry as the universe stretches on forever
I am sorry, please accept this apology poem as a token of our friendship
May it last for eternity.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Earth Hour

Lights fall in the wake
of a monumental movement
spread wide across the world

Darkness, symbolic of not evil
But the will of mankind to save a planet
Shared by all and loved by many

What can you do to save and nurture
This sacred place that gives birth
To so much wonder and beauty?

One human can make the difference
One group can change a nation
A unity of nations can change the world

Earth Hour has come and gone
And every single human has shown their nation
Has shown the WORLD
How much our planet earth means to us all.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Midsummer nights embrace

Sweetly singing on.
A midsummer nights grass field
Longing to hold you

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dismal story of a dispirited fool

Will thou drown me in contempt?
Forsake my every move?

Rip happiness from my breast
and inject my lungs with melancholy air?

Far too long have I been in this dejected state
Far too long have I been aching for someone to soothe my soul
Why can't I be rid of this abhorrent daze of woe?

The gods, they love to torture me and my poor incarcerated heart.
Doomed to be imprisoned by this maelstrom of pain
Forever teetering on the edge of emptiness and light

But who can help this poor crestfallen soul?
I have gone to many, hurt many
Who would want to help someone as detestable as I?
Surely not those of a sane mind.

But ah, that wretched strand of light
That persistent shining beam of hope
It wants me to keep on, to try and go on.
But these torrents of hate, pain, depression, and emptiness...

These swirling masses that drown my confidence
Decimate my happiness
Obliterate my desires
Silence my laughter
And butcher my heart

How long must I persist before I can not persist any longer?
How long will my ray of light shine through this never ending darkness?
More importantly, does anyone care?
Do men care that they hurt me when they hush their mouths?
Do women care when they don't even call?
Does family care when they shun my true form?

I have been forgotten
Laid to waste
Banished to rot
Pierced by cupids godforsaken arrow
And no one to express myself to
But who would want to hear a child whine?
Who wants to hear the dismal story of a dispirited fool?

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Like I really care
about your petty problems
Your unfortunate undermining

These problems I've faced
And yet you complain
Don't be an emotional drama queen

Get over yourself
life's not that bad
or else you would be dead amongst strangers
Either that or possibly being ravaged by your worst nightmare

So don't draw me into your
insignificant "melodrama" you call life
Right now, I could care less

So take your post traumatic stress disorder
Take your emo tragedy
And behoove yourself to smile
It's contagious

Sunday, February 1, 2009


What do you make of this
Oh faithful friend of mine?
This dazzling glamour of love and caress we're in?

Does it not seem like bliss,
an ever wonderful canvas of light blues and vivid yellows
Of deep reds and glittering greens.

Oh such glorious feelings
Marvelous shades of changing emotions
Gorgeous changes of the heart and mind
Dazzle me with your love kind sir!

My stomach stirs and this energy
bout ready to burst surges through my veins
Wanting to release. But where is mine outlet?

My embrace, a facade but still there
Emanating through these feelings jolting through my corpse
My kiss, an illusion but yet it is not
Can you feel it? My body against yours
Drinking up your kind warmth
Soaking in your tender feelings
And giving back to you ten fold

Can you feel it?
This amiable apparition?
This phantasmal crush
Are you able to touch across mountains?
Able to wield your feelings and take what is rightfully yours?
To strike down any obstacle in your path?

For I am forever waiting, for your sweet and gentle touch
But for now, this image of compassion will serve as the fountain
from which I drink up your love
As can you drink from my vision of amour
So drink, and never thirst again.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Crystal Smile

Your life is spotted with such trivial worries
Why fret when there is so much more to living?
Don't let your duties as an adult annihilate
the instincts and imagination granted by the child in you

How dare you let love go
Don't give me such excuses
Your dreams are dashing away
right before your very eyes

Is this what you want?
Mundane atrocities?
Nay, your heart yearns for more
A blissful world of love and caring
Where he is there by your side

You smiled at that
I saw it on your face
It glimmers like stars twinkling in the night
So beautiful and radiant
Show him that radiance, let it be his guide to you

No matter who or where he is
Your love for him
and his love for you
Shall guide you both through a life
of Longevity
and eternal happiness.

Shine brightly
My crystal smile

My Tenshi (Angel)

I gaze upon you from afar
O' soldier of the fated star
Gaze back at me with your shimmering grace
I yearn for the day I see your face
So close we are yet...
Distances, miles, feet, yards, millennium even

I know not when our eyes shall gaze into
Each others blazing soul
I am impatient, and so naive.
But fate likes to mess with those who can not wait
So you fall further and further away from me
Oh, it seems like my destiny just wants to rip open my heart

O' heart, please grant me the patience of a thousand sands
O' soul, please bring my true love closer to me
O' body, feel for his aura when it comes near
O' mind, recognize his thoughts as you wander through time
O' fate, please do not trouble this shattered heart of mine anymore
And destiny...make my dreams not a shimmering facade but a shining GLORY

Bring him hence
Bring him hence
Bring him hence

Nay, guide me to him
Wind, help me shout to the four corners of the world
help me shout out so that he may hear my delicate words of love
Divine water, send surging waves of passion through his veins
So that he may feel my warmth
Earth, I send you to wrap him in sweet embrace
So that he may know my touch
Blazing fire, give me your blaze
So that he may taste my desire
And graceful light, shine into every corner of darkness
To let him see how beautiful my heart shines for him

Let his senses be all a tingle
The one I shout to, feel, desire, love, embrace...
The only one in this universe for me
Never ending

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Swinging softly in moonlight's grace
Gazing into the universe as I ponder
Thinking about what could have been
Wishing that things would go my way 
All the way, for once. 

The stars start to fade one by one
The moonlight dissolves 
I am left standing alone
In a desolate darkness surrounded by nothing
Where is the light to guide me now?

Millenia pass and I become one with the darkness
My eyes become nocturnal
My skin becomes shadow itself
My heart, cold and desolate
Feeding on naught but my cold blindness

I am shadow itself
Turning back now would be nigh impossible
Yet, something stirring in me
Something, pricking at my insides
Hope, as I used to know it. 

Suddenly, it starts to burn and sear my flesh
Pink hues appear and the night dissipates
My eyes singe as vivid colors flow through
Finally, a pain worthy of death punctures my heart
I fall into a daze of color and wonder

I wake up, looking at people
People whom I know, people that love me for who I am
They are my guiding light, my saving grace,
They have delivered me from shadow
From that everlasting lonliness and depravity. Thank you