Thursday, January 15, 2009


Swinging softly in moonlight's grace
Gazing into the universe as I ponder
Thinking about what could have been
Wishing that things would go my way 
All the way, for once. 

The stars start to fade one by one
The moonlight dissolves 
I am left standing alone
In a desolate darkness surrounded by nothing
Where is the light to guide me now?

Millenia pass and I become one with the darkness
My eyes become nocturnal
My skin becomes shadow itself
My heart, cold and desolate
Feeding on naught but my cold blindness

I am shadow itself
Turning back now would be nigh impossible
Yet, something stirring in me
Something, pricking at my insides
Hope, as I used to know it. 

Suddenly, it starts to burn and sear my flesh
Pink hues appear and the night dissipates
My eyes singe as vivid colors flow through
Finally, a pain worthy of death punctures my heart
I fall into a daze of color and wonder

I wake up, looking at people
People whom I know, people that love me for who I am
They are my guiding light, my saving grace,
They have delivered me from shadow
From that everlasting lonliness and depravity. Thank you

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