Thursday, February 26, 2009


Like I really care
about your petty problems
Your unfortunate undermining

These problems I've faced
And yet you complain
Don't be an emotional drama queen

Get over yourself
life's not that bad
or else you would be dead amongst strangers
Either that or possibly being ravaged by your worst nightmare

So don't draw me into your
insignificant "melodrama" you call life
Right now, I could care less

So take your post traumatic stress disorder
Take your emo tragedy
And behoove yourself to smile
It's contagious

Sunday, February 1, 2009


What do you make of this
Oh faithful friend of mine?
This dazzling glamour of love and caress we're in?

Does it not seem like bliss,
an ever wonderful canvas of light blues and vivid yellows
Of deep reds and glittering greens.

Oh such glorious feelings
Marvelous shades of changing emotions
Gorgeous changes of the heart and mind
Dazzle me with your love kind sir!

My stomach stirs and this energy
bout ready to burst surges through my veins
Wanting to release. But where is mine outlet?

My embrace, a facade but still there
Emanating through these feelings jolting through my corpse
My kiss, an illusion but yet it is not
Can you feel it? My body against yours
Drinking up your kind warmth
Soaking in your tender feelings
And giving back to you ten fold

Can you feel it?
This amiable apparition?
This phantasmal crush
Are you able to touch across mountains?
Able to wield your feelings and take what is rightfully yours?
To strike down any obstacle in your path?

For I am forever waiting, for your sweet and gentle touch
But for now, this image of compassion will serve as the fountain
from which I drink up your love
As can you drink from my vision of amour
So drink, and never thirst again.